Monday, September 30, 2019

Partition of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Essay

The modern republics of Poland and Lithuania had been once been a single, strong nation known as the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. This commonwealth was established in 1569. Although there were other states in the commonwealth, none of them was as powerful as Poland. The nation was on the brink of success when the rest of Europe was ravaging in the famous thirty years war between 1618 and 1648. The Commonwealth noblemen had no desire to get involved in these wars and they were able defend the country against external attacks from the Germans, Russians and the Ottoman Turks (TLK). However, the commonwealth’s supremacy and stability did not last for long and there already were clear signs of decline by the mid 17th century. The main cause of the decline was wars that were fought within and outside the commonwealth. Thus, the weakened state could not hold itself together after these wars which ultimately led to its partition. The decline of Poland was basically evincible in the legislative body – Sejm. The divergent systems of the parliament grew ineffective and inefficient at a time when the deputies went verbal asserting â€Å"Liberum Veto† which gave them excessive power over national resolutions. The country’s population had decreased by big proportions as a result of wars. This made it practically impossible for the nation to succeed in its wars against other nations, though they were able to defeat the Ottomans at Vienna. This was the last success realized by the commonwealth military (Davies 24). The Szlachta (noblemen) also diminished in their ability to influence others and consequentially depreciated in military vigor. In a myriad of situations they became impotent and viewed â€Å"veto† as the only remaining legislative symbol within the commonwealth (25). The Decline of the Commonwealth In 1648, the warlike Cossacks, with the support of Russia, upstaged a rebellion against Poland. Thus the Russians began to influence the affairs of the country. Later in 1655, the Commonwealth was involved in another war with Sweden, provoked by the policies of Commonwealth kings from the Swedish royal House of Vasa. The Swedes installed Stanislaw Leszczynski as king. However, they were defeated by the Russians in 1709 and this resulted in the reinstatement of Augustus on the throne (TLK). Augustus was at conflict with parliament and this lead to a civil war in 1717. The Russians responded by reducing the powers of the Sejm, who by now were at the centre of running Poland, came to the rescue of Augustus. This resulted in Poland being forced to cut down the size of her standing army. When Augustus died in 1733, Leszyski returned to the throne. This move was met with resistance from the Russians who forced him out and made Fredrick Augustus, a son to Augustus, king instead. Another blow to the commonwealth was the Saxon rule that lasted for sixty years. It drove the nation to the edges of lawlessness, devastating it even more. A powerful alliance between Russia, Prussia and Australia ensured that Poland’s legal system and maintain ace of order was paralyzed. The three nations formed the â€Å"Alliance of the Three Black Eagles† owing to the fact that all the three had eagles, black in color, on their coat-of-arms (Kjaergard 121). The Partitioning of the Commonwealth By the 18th century, the Commonwealth could not handle the many internal problems that were plaguing it and this made the fragile nation more vulnerable to external influences. The political system was in shambles and this soon culminated to the schism of the commonwealth. The country was partitioned in three stages by the neighboring Russian, Prussian, and Austrian powers (TLK) . The first partition was in 1772, when the Commonwealth lost 733, 000 square kilometers of land together with about four million people. Russia took most of the land while a majority of the population went to Austria. The Sejm ratified the partition agreement despite much resistance from the state’s deputies. After the first partition, there was a period of relative stability that saw to the development of a better education sector in the country. There was a rise in the number of professionals in various fields. The king initialized a healing programme, which was executed by the â€Å"Great Sejm†. The Four Year or Great Sejm came up with a new constitution (Domar 56). â€Å"Liberum Veto† was abolished under the newly formed constitution, changing how the country was governed. people were guaranteed personal freedom and more liberty was enhanced. England, France and the United States hailed the newly formed constitution. On the other hand, this step was viewed as a threat by the rulers of Austria and Russia. This led to a wide instigation of large numbers of magnate under the leadership of Branicki Ksawery, Potocki Szczesny and Rzewuski Seweryn. This was a betrayal of the commonwealth hence leading to the formation of the Targowica Confedaration in disrespect to the declarations of the newly formed constitution (Kjaergard 122) The second partition was as a result of Russian invation. The troops from Russia decided to cross the borders and immediately war broke out. Joseph Poniatowski who was the King’s nephew together with Kosciuszko Tadeusz, a supporter of the American Independence War, erected a vehement resistance although all confidence was crushed after the Prussians joined the fighting. Many people, who would otherwise have been citizens, ran away to other countries. In 1793, Prussia and Russia were obliged to sign the Second Partition Treaty. This led to about About This led to holding in of more than half of the entire nation with a population of about four million people. Later, there was a meeting at Grodno composed mainly of the Sejm which deliberated on the legal processd to make legal the process of partitioning of the country. After the partitioning, there was widespread discontent within the general population (Kostrowicka 34). The final partition in 1795 was the most devastating. A lot of Poles were evicted from their country. The King was seized and taken to prison in St. Petersburg. Other people were sent to the harsh cold deserts of Siberia and thousands more fled to other lands. Conclusion Although Poland’s history is one full of turmoil, a lot can be learnt from it. It is clear that good governance policies should be in place for a country to run smoothly. The heads of state should at the fore front providing the much needed leadership to citizens of their countries. If the Polish constitution had had good policies, and if the leaders were competent enough, then maybe the history of the Poles would be much different and better than it is.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Childhood Obesity: A Problem in Low Income Families Essay

There are multiple reasons why low income families have children on the verge of obesity. Children with two working parents or with a single parent have limited access to healthy home cooked meals. Parent’s working odd hours in low paying jobs and unable to find the time to cook home cooked meals means children in those low income families are either eating prepackaged meals or eating take out far too often which is unhealthy. The affordability and the accessibility of nutritional foods from grocery stores and unhealthy inexpensive foods from fast food restaurants is just a few examples of why child obesity in low income families is on a rise. Childhood obesity can lead to lifelong eating and health problems. There is also a problem with the lack of physical actives in low income neighborhoods as children often don’t have places to exercise. The epidemic that is childhood obesity in America but especially in low income neighborhoods are a fact that cannot be ignored and must be addressed before these children are effected form lifelong implications. Obesity in children is defined as a Body Mass Index at or above the 95th percentile for children of the same age and sex according to a chart put out by the Center of Disease Control and Prevention. The Center of Disease Control and Prevention (2011) calculates Body Mass Index using a child’s weight, height, and age. This is different than calculating a Body Mass Index for adults as age does not matter for adults, only the height and weight. There are many reasons and combinations of reasons why children become obese. Genetics can play a role but childhood obesity is generally caused by a lack of physical activity, unhealthy eating patterns resulting in excess energy intake, or a combination of the two. (U.S. Department of Health and Human Resource). Much of childhood obesity can be prevented and those who already suffer from obesity can make changes to lose weight and be healthy. It is important for at risk children and their parents to understand the severity of the topic of childhood obesity. There are great health risks for those children suffering from obesity.  Let’s Move is a government program launched by the first lady, Michelle Obama, as a part of the t ask force for childhood obesity President Obama had created as talked about on the Let’s Move website. On their site there is a list of health issues associated with childhood obesity. Research shows children who are obese can develop heart disease, type 2 diabetes, asthma, sleep apnea, plus joint problems and back pain from the strain on the body carrying extra weight. There is also mental health to consider for obese children. Depression and social issues are often found in children suffering from obesity (Let’s Move). With rising health care costs, the health issues that children can develop due to childhood obesity can hurt the financial position of the already low income and financially hurting families in America. With the invention of video games, computers, the internet, and television viewing on a rise, it’s no wonder why, President Obama stated on the White House website â€Å"Nearly one third of children in America are overweight or obese — a rate that has tripled in adolescents and more than doubled in younger children since 1980.† This is why c hildhood obesity is a serious issue that needs to be considered by parents, doctors and teachers. With children being left at home alone after school due to parents having to work multiple low paying jobs in low income neighborhoods, children are not told what not to eat and are not getting exercise. The internet being such an intergraded part of today’s life children are often spending much of their free time on the computer rather than playing outside with friends. The lack of exercise is a huge reason why children now are more obese than in previous generations. From data found in Generation M2: Media in the Lives of 8-18 Year Olds by Henry J. Kaiser Foundation (January 2010) It is said that children are spending approximately 7.5 hours using entertainment media, 4.5 hours watching TV, 1.5 hours on the computer, and over an hour playing video games daily. This is partly because older children are often home alone after school while their parents are working. The fact that many children are either left alone while parents work or are left in childcare makes it difficult for parents to regulate what a child is eating. â€Å"Sixty-nine percent of children under age 5 with low-income working mothers are cared for regularly by someone other a parent. Thirty-nine percent of these children are in care for at least 35 hours a week.† (The Urban Institute ). This means that children are not being monitored by parents  about what they eat and how much they ate during the day. The number of obese children in low income families in America is on a rise, 1 of 7 low-income, preschool-aged children is obese according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (2011). According to the Clinton Foundation â€Å"nearly 25 million children are overweight or obese.† Also they report that in a study of 200 neighborhoods, there were three times as many supermarkets in wealthy neighborhoods as in poor neighborhoods leaving fast food restaurants as the most convenient meal options for low income families. Children from low income families are far more likely to suffer from childhood obesity due to the lack of supermarkets available, due to the affordability of nutritious foods, due to the lack of government funding for assistance programs, along with many other factors. Many organizations have done research on the subject of childhood obesity in low income families. Some sources have found connections between things like the number of grocery stores in comparison to convenient stores and fast food places in low income neighborhoods. For example the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (2011) say that according to their research â€Å"Supermarket access is associated with a reduced risk for obesity.† Convenient store won’t offer variety and healthy fresh foods to those families that live in low income neighborhoods. It is easy to see how there can be a link between childhood obesity and the limited access to grocery stores. Fresh fruits and vegetables are crucial par t of eating healthy and losing weight. When low income families are unable to purchase fresh fruits and vegetables due to not having stores that would supply them, there is a risk of obesity due to the lack of options. â€Å"Those with annual household income less than $24,000 reported problems accessing affordable fresh fruits and vegetables 2.5 times as frequently than those with incomes between $60,000 and $89,999 (13.8 percent vs. 5.7 percent)† (Food Research and Action Center, 2010). The Journal of the American Medical Association says â€Å"Among older non-Hispanic white children, children in families with low income were significantly more likely to be overweight than children in families with high income.† as a result to one of their many studies on childhood obesity. Though obesity rates are often talked about in the news both on TV or online, not much is offered to assist the prevention of obesity or how to effectively live healthier to and lose weight in a healthy way. There are solutions out there  and many ways to get the information needed to prevent obesity. Many organizations created to get the information to the public by the internet but it is important for this information to be available to all as not everyone has the ability get the internet. This leaves people most at risk, low income families, without the information on how to live healthier lives. Educating parents on how to feed their families healthy food are one way to prevent childhood obesity and change the eating habits of children already suffering from obesity. Also, making sure children stay active, burning calories by playing sports or riding bicycles, or general exercise routines can lower a child’s risk of obesity. Low income families may not be able to afford to enroll their children in sports. The general public needs to get involved by donating money and volunteering time for after school programs that offer children an alternative from sitting at home in front of the television eating junk food. More free after school programs in poverty stricken areas in the United States would lower the number of obese children in this country. If the general public only knew how little of their time and money is need to fund and support these after school actives that make such a huge impact on children and how it would fight a health condition like childhood obesity more people would donate and volunteer. The biggest problem in ending childhood obesity is to get more information to families on how to live healthier and eat healthier. Organizations that already deal with low income families need to offer more information such an idea of what kind of physical activities are needed to be healthy and how often to do them. Also, sample menus with easy, low cost recipes so low income families now how to save money and while still eating right However, this assistance should not stop at helping low income families as childhood obesity is not only an issue for low income families. There needs to be organizations that get involved in schools systems to give all different level of income families the information needed to live healthy and feed their family good choices. The United States Department of Agriculture has created a site called Choose My Plate (2011) which provides sample menus, nutritional facts, ways to manage your weight including different trackers to track weight loss progress, and a whole section of physical activities. There is an abundance of information that parents can use to map out meals, plan activities, and help their children lose weight to prevent obesity and help  those children already suffering from obesity. As the site states to parents â€Å"You are your children’s most important role model. Your children pay attention to what you do more than what you say.† Parents are the most critical factor in childhood obesity. It is up to the parents to create healthy food for their children. Parents who don’t eat healthy themselves are setting bad examples to their children. Much of childhood obesity can end if parents change the way their whole family eats. For low income families that may not be able to always buy healthy foods, there needs to be government assistance to help those who are in need. Both federal and local governments need to implement more programs to low income families. â€Å"Only 5 percent of all low-income families with a full-time, full-year worker receive Temporary Assistance for Needy Families benefits.† (The Urban Institute). That needs to change as the cost of food has gone up which means those families that are low income but are trying to do better are those that are suffering the most. More of the government’s money must be put into programs that help feed low income families to prevent such health problems as childhood obesity. President Obama has created a task force on childhood obesity with the First Lady heading a public awareness program outlined on the White House’s website. On the White House’s website the President says â€Å"Such strategies include updating child nutrition policies in a way that addresses the best available scientific information, ensuring access to healthy, affordable food in schools and communities, as well as increasing physical activity and empowering parents and caregivers with the information and tools they need to make good choices for themselves and their families.† President Obama’s says on the website that his plan is â€Å"†¦ to solve the problem of childhood obesity within a generation so that children born today will reach adulthood at a healthy weight†. With the cooperation with local government the President’s plan could possibly be successful. There is also another way for the government to step in to end obesity. Some states have already developed laws where there are higher taxes on unhealthy foods. â€Å"Forty states already have small taxes on sugared beverages and snack foo ds, but in the past year, Maine and New York have proposed large taxes on sugared beverages, and similar discussions have begun in other states.† (Brownell, Frieden, 2009). This would be a good solution for those in higher income levels and if government assistance is helping the lower income  levels it prevents them falling into old habits of buying the unhealthy foods. With the combination of assistance for low income families and higher taxes on the unhealthy foods, the rate of childhood obesity might drop. With the findings through these government sites and organizations, the result is clear that children from low income families tend to suffer from childhood obesity more than those children from a high income house hold. This research proves the link between income level and obesity in children. Many families are unable to have home cooked meals either because of time limitations or the affordability and access to healthy food. Many families will eat off the dollar menu at McDonalds as it is cheaper than buying food at the grocery store. Fast food places offer meals with toys to attract children as well. Children in low income neighborhoods often don’t have access to healthy foods like fresh produce. There are also few places for recreation for children in low income neighborhoods. Those children can miss out on physical activities that would burn calories preventing obesity. People should be more aware of this issue that Americans, especially the children face. This means addressing the issue of cost of fast food, especially the more unhealthy choices at fast food restaurants, and the grams of fat in these foods. The facts show that children from low income families have fewer choices for healthy food due to the high cost of fresh food in comparison to the affordability of fast food which contributes to child obesity. References American Medical Association. (2001,October). Low Family Income and Food Insufficiency in Relation to Overweight in US Children. The Journal of the American Medical Association. Retrieved from Brownell K.D., Frieden T.R.(2009). Ounces of prevention—the public policy case for taxes on sugared beverages. New England Journal of Medicine. Retrieved from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2011, April). A Growing Problem. Overweight and Obesity. Retrived from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2011, April). Basics About Childhood Obesity. Overweight and Obesity. Retrived from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2011, April). Data and Statistics: Obesity rates among all children in the United States. Overweight and Obesity. Retrived from Food Research and Action Center. (2010) Food Access & Affordability. Retrived from Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. (2005, March 9). Generation M2: Media in the Lives of 8-18 Year-olds – Report. Retrieved from Lets Move! (n.d.). Health Problems and Childhood Obesity. America’s Move to Raise a Healthier Generation of Kids. Retrieved from The Urban Institute. (2005, August). Low Income Working Families: Facts and Figures. Retrieved from United St ates Department of Agriculture Choose My Plate. (2011). Dietary Guidelines Consumer Brochure. Retrieved from U.S. Department of Health and Human Resources/Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation. (n.d.).Childhood Obesity. Retrieved from William J. Clinton Foundation. (n.d.). Facts About Childhood Obesity. Fighting Childhood Obesity: Alliance For A Healthier Generation. Retrived from White House. (2010, February 09) Presidential Memorandum — Establishing a Task Force on Childhood Obesity. Retrieved from.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Why did Elizabethans voyage overseas and were they successful?

During the middle ages Europeans know little about the rest of the world. Silks, spices were brought overland to Europe from India and china, but sailors didn’t dare to sail the unknown seas. In this essay I will be discussing why Elizabethans were made to go on over sea voyages in the 1550s during the time of the cloth trade collapse. What did England achieve from these successful voyages over sea and what new markets did they find to sell their goods also how did Britain become the most powerful country in the world . In addition to who were the sailors that helped England claim power and wealth? Between 1430-1530 European sailors began making voyages across the oceans. In 1550 the cloth trade collapsed . Merchants need to find new markets in which to sell their goods. Markets such as the Muscovy company which traded with Russia in timber and lurs also the East Incia Company which traded with India and the Far East in silks, spices, cotton and tea in addition to The Levant company which traded with countries around the eastern Mediterranean in currents and dyes. They went across the world to sell their English cloth and at the same time giving people in other countries a chance for ‘All savages, so soon as they began to taste of civilisation ‘which was said by Richard Hakluyt in his book ‘The Principle navigations, voyages and discoveries of the English Nation ‘in order to encourage overseas voyages . This encouraged English sailors and more people become interested in these voyages over sea. Richard Hakluyt thought that from these voyages over see the navy would be enlarged making England more powerful and become the greater country as he says ‘By these voyages our navy shall be enlarged ‘it was stated in his book. In addition the fact that the navy will become bigger just like Spain and Portugal’s, men and women shall work there will be more employment opportunities available which means that more money will be coming in to the nation ‘it will prove general benefit into our country ‘ . They would also gain more money as they would be going overseas and selling spices , which links into the trade markets especially The East Incia company which traded silks and spices . There were monopolies on the trade companies. Monopolies is when you have control over a given market, you are given a legal piece of paper (warrant)telling you that you could trade with that company , but that warrant didn’t come free you had to bid for it in order to get it . The companies paid Elizabeth money so that they could get their warrant and trade with the country that they wanted to trade with. The money which was used to pay for the warrants goes to Elizabeth so she can then deal with her economical problems and the debt that her sister Mary put her in of ?250,000. After the monopolies expired you would have to pay again for them and get it renewed or else you could no longer trade in that area. Merchants, nobles, and even the queen invested in these voyages . They made large profits from captured cargoes like gold and silver. Francis Drake stole silver, gold and jewels from Spanish ships coming from Mexico. This gold and silver benefited the economy as it made them more money. Gold was brought by the rich, who had to pay tax which helped Elizabeth pay her debt as she was the government and received the money. Drake's successful battles against the Spanish helped England become a major sea power. He was the First Englishman to sail around the world. On the way round the world, Drake landed in what is now California, naming it Nova Albion (New England) and claiming it for his queen. Drake returned from his voyage with his ship packed full of spices from the Indies, and plundered Spanish silver and treasure. Drake was knighted by Queen Elizabeth l for his courage, and for the treasures he brought back with him. He brought back enough treasure to pay off the entire national debt. John Hawkins was a cousin of Drake. He was the first Englishman to trade in slaves. He bought slaves in West Africa and sold them to the Spanish colonies in the West Indies, often raiding Spanish ships as he went. After retirement he built ships for the navy. Sir Walter Raleigh led many expeditions to America and introduced tobacco and the potato into England. He chose the name of the first English colony in America. He named it Virginia after Queen Elizabeth. However some sailors were unsuccessful like Sir Humphrey Gilbert who explored the north coast of America but was never seen again. Also Sir Walter Raleigh of 1595 who set to sail for south America hoping to find El Dorado , a legendary city full of gold . He never found the city and never returned with any gold making him useless to the country as he did not benefit it. England had more power, defence and a stronger navy than before as British sailors improved their skills in sailing and fighting at sea. New and faster ships were built by Hawkins. These ships helped in the Spanish armada in 1558. By 1603 England had become the greatest sea-power in the world. In conclusion the Elizabethans were successful on their voyages overseas as Britain became the most powerful and richest country in the world by 1803. The trading companies became very wealthy in the seventeenth century. England had the greatest sea-power in the world which lasted until the twentieth century. They were encouraged to go on voyages overseas so that they could trade with other companies as they needed new markets to trade with after the cloth collapse and become wealthier as I stated in the essay. Sailors like Francis Drake helped gain success on voyages overseas.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Post-Lab Report Variation and selection in a population of wood lice Lab

Post- Variation and selection in a population of wood lice -rollie pollie - Lab Report Example rve how the natural selection acts upon variation in a population, this experimental set up entails documenting variations among several traits of wood lice and determining how and whether certain traits confer some survival advantage when subjected to simulated foragers. It also entails testing whether such survival advantages are depended on the forager used. In this case, the traits which included animal length, sprint speed, the number of dorsal plates, and the animal mass for multiple individuals of the isopods population were measured. Measures of central tendency (Means, and range), measures of dispersion (standard deviations, and variance) as well a t-test was conducted to ascertain this connotation. The total number of isopods was 50. This was divided into two portions victims and survivors (Tables 1 and 2). The length, sprint speed, number of dorsal plates and weight of placed measured are also shown on tables 1 and 2. Additionally, the measures of central tendency (mean) and measures of dispersion variance) and the t-test value between the victims (variable 1) and the survivors (variable 2) were calculated. Tables3, 4, 5, and 6 shows the measures of central tendency, measures of dispersion, and the t-test value between the victims and survivors. Tables 3, 4, 5, and 6 clearly indicate that at a significant level of 0.05, in each case, using a 1-tailed, Tstat= 1.165103 and T critical = 1.681952, it is apparent that Tstat 0.05. This indicates that the null hypothesis that variations in traits of an isopod do not confer a survival advantage in presence of simulated foragers is accepted. Therefore, it is with 95% confidence that variations in traits of an isopod do not confer survival advantage in the presence of simulated foragers. As for the case of the length, from the tabulated value for df ÃŽ ½ = 48, in each case, using a 1-tailed, the 95% confidence level, tstat = 6.408633 and T critical = 1.677224. It is clear that

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Chemistry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Chemistry - Essay Example This could be manifested in a person suffering from bipolar disorder or related mental illnesses. As early as 1800, pharmacological studies came up with antipsychotic drug that will help doctors during psychiatric treatment. Research and surveys showed that by the year 2005, based on the report of Archives of General Psychiatry, approximately 5.7 million of adult Americans or 2.5 percent of its population were affected by bipolar disorder (BD). There are also cases of BD found among children (Geller B, Luby J, 1997). Bipolar disorder or manic-depression is a mental disorder characterized by signs of mania or depressions which can be observed in alternating episodes. Prominently, these episodes show shifts of mood swings, from extremely energetic moods to hopeless and depressive moods. It includes one or more incidents of manic behavior, disrupted sleep, fast speech, distractibility and increase in goal-oriented-activities. Together with these manic episodes are depressive episodes characterize with lost of interest, displeasures, feeling of emptiness and unworthiness. A bio-chemical explanation was presented by scientist and researchers to explain why people tend to suffer manic-depression. Biologically speaking human brain was composed of nerve cells, neurotransmitters and receptors sending messages from one another (Prof. Hokin, University of Winconsin).Over activity or under activity in these neurotransmitters or messengers of the brain could be the reason for such disorders. So bipolar disorder could be manifested whenever brain operations has gone wrong resulting to alternating poles of mania and depression. Anti-psychotic drugs are prescribed by psychiatrists to treat bipolar disorder. These are termed to be mood stabilizers and help the patient as it goes into psychiatric treatment. The most common yet old used anti-psychotic drug nowadays is lithium. Dr.

What factors should be considered by researchers when defining the Essay

What factors should be considered by researchers when defining the data required for their research;using two empirical studies - Essay Example duct the research in the best way to ensure that the investigated research question leads to data findings that contribute to the knowledge in the investigated field. Basing on two empirical studies, this paper therefore, investigates various factors, which must be considered by researchers in their definition of data that is required for their research. The reference point in explaining the facts of this essay bases on two empirical studies conducted in different areas. One study was conducted in Vietnam among injection drug users in two districts, to compare the prevalence of HIV and other associated risks among the drug users in the two different districts (Bergenstrom et al, 2008). Another study was conducted in the USA, involving different HVC treatment programs for HVC positive clients. This study however, studied two categories of these treatment programs, including the HVC drug free programs and the HVC MMTPs programs (Astone-Twerell et al, 2006). The two studies were conducted for different reasons, thus, the difference in their objectives. The study among the injection drug users in Vietnam was conducted with the purpose of establishing the prevalence of drug overdose in the region, including the main reasons behind this phenomenon. The additional voluntary HIV testing was aimed at helping to get more information about the relationship between drug use, age, and HIV prevalence. Therefore, the study samples were studied differently to establish and assess the prevalence rate, as well as the characteristics that are associated with non-fatal drug overdose among the injection drug users in the two districts of North Vietnam (Bergenstrom et al, 2008). On the other hand, the second study aimed at establishing the range of Hepatitis C Virus services, which are provided to HVC positive clients by treatment programs. In both studies, the research was based on drug use and the relationship with a specific disease. While the Vietnam study compares the injection

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Writing activities Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Writing activities - Article Example I agree with Pinker that the current political systems, technologies, and cultural changes have made the modern world less violent, and that these changes can be improved to reduce violence further; however, we cannot be complacent and we should continue resolving existing violence across the globe that persist because of greed for power and wealth and diverse prejudices and discriminations against different sectors/groups of society. I agree with Pinker that we live in a less violent time than in the past because the government is an effective form of authority in managing social and economic affairs. First, Pinker is right that having a centralized government enabled people to be more at peace with one another because an institution is managing diverse aspects of social affairs. He calls this centralization as the â€Å"consolidation of a patchwork of feudal territories into large kingdoms with centralized authority and an infrastructure of commerce† (190-191). If people feel safe to move around and to focus on developing their livelihoods, they are less likely to feel threatened and more likely to have social and economic stability. Second, the government organizes and facilitates trade and commerce, which is important to peace. The government creates laws and guidelines for businesses to promote economic progress and to protect economic interests. If anyone violates these laws and guidelines, the gover nment is the one who will punish the former. People do not need to do anything violent to protect their sources of income. Having a centralized government is essential to managing social and economic affairs for the interests of the collective. Apart from leading and supervising social and economic activities that promote peace, the government is a more reliable bringer of justice than when people used to do it on their own or through using militias. Definitely, the government is not perfect on this regard and many criminals go

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

What are the ethics behind photojournalism and a real life newspaper Essay

What are the ethics behind photojournalism and a real life newspaper decision to print or not to print a photograph - Essay Example â€Å"The production, presentation, and consumption of visual messages in all manner of media can be justifiably sliced in separate technological, historical, cultural and critical perspectives. The requirements for theory building at each stage are different† (Elliott & Lester, 2002). And while it is recognized that â€Å"Photography is the only ‘language’ understood in all parts of the world, and bridging all nations and cultures† (Helmut Gernsheim cited in Elliott & Lester, 2002), it is also acknowledged that â€Å"photographs supply information without having a language of their own. Photographs quote rather than translate from reality† (John Berger cited in Elliott & Lester, 2002). The difficulty arises from the variety of social, political and cultural approaches that can be taken in the interpretation of an image. Added to this is the greater ability of photographers and photojournalists to manipulate images in many different ways as a means o f achieving the image sought. In determining the ethics involved in the decisions made by photojournalists and their editors regarding whether or not to print a particular image, then, it is necessary to take into consideration the â€Å"intent of the image creator and the not-so-blank canvas of the image consumer† (Elliott & Lester, 2002) as these various approaches come into play. There have been many ethical theories proposed to serve as guidelines for the photojournalist and others regarding what types of images to display or not to display. There are six main theories that can, and should, be applied to photojournalism. These include the categorical imperative, utilitarianism, hedonism, the golden mean, the golden rule and the veil of ignorance. Categorical imperative, suggested by Immanuel Kant, refers to doing the right thing regardless of any extenuating

Monday, September 23, 2019

Planning the Project (Topic in Instruction3) Essay

Planning the Project (Topic in Instruction3) - Essay Example The project plan could be used in the process of bidding, submission of proposal or as a request for raising funds. The activities to be undertaken as mentioned in the project plan provide a clear idea of the expectation levels on the deliverables of the project. The primary function of a project plan thus includes co-ordination, planning and communication of the project deliverables. The project plan helps the team members to co-ordinate among themselves on the areas of importance on project deliverables and how the overall plan could be improved for efficient project management (Kerzner 39). The project plan primarily serves as a planning tool that could be modified by the planners to envisage the goals and success of the project. By showcasing a similar project, the plan could serve the primary function of communicating to the team members and the client about the outline of actions to be undertaken in the project and the milestones that could be achieved in the process. Nine (9) categories of information needed in a project master plan The nine categories of information needed in a master project plan are given as follows. The master project plan should include a project guide in the first place that incorporates a checklist for the activities of the project. The project guide would guide the several tasks to be undertaken in the project in a sequential manner. The next information needed in a master project plan is a project definition. The project definition includes an explanation of the objectives of the project, description of the project activities, the cost and risk associated with the project, goals of the project and the timelines for completion of the project. The project definition includes a tentative plan for the completion of the project. The third information incorporated in the project master plan in analysis and evaluation of the project. The analysis of the projects in term of the focus areas of the project and the relative importance of t he focus areas in the project is analyzed. The evaluation of the project in terms of the goals and milestones to be achieved through the project work is described in this information. The requirements of the project work and the system requirements are the next information incorporated in the master plan (Carmichael 57). The system requirements of the project and the requirement of resources for undertaking the project are mentioned in a statement of work and system requirements. The fifth category of information is the information on the process to be undertaken for the project. The selection of vendors, outsourcing of specialized roles approval of several functions of the project are part of this information category. A technical evaluation of the project is the next information that is included in the project master plan. The expectations from the project and the desired results of the project are dependent on the technical expertise in the domain and thus technical evaluation is important for attainment of the desired benchmark results. The sixth information to be incorporated in the master project plan includes is an analysis of the budgeting and financial management of the project work. This information is crucial as the performance of the project work depends on the funding of the project, sources of funds and effective implementation of the funds in the areas planned

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Importance of Being Earnest, Marriage and Respectability Download this essay Print Save Essay Example for Free

The Importance of Being Earnest, Marriage and Respectability Download this essay Print Save Essay In the Victorian times respectability was very important and you were only really respected if you were in the Upper Class. An example of this is in Act 1 when Lady Bracknell is questioning Jack Worthing about his life, upbringing and income. She starts off by telling Jack that she has the same list as the dear Duchess of Bolton, so she is instantly trying to make Jack respect her and almost worry that he isnt good enough for Gwendolen and therefore her questions might be personal and therefore he might just want to go and not waste her time. The way she talks by talking about her own personal opinion about the question she is about to ask before she has asked it, so its almost pressurising Jack into saying a similar answer to stay on her good side. But the way she talks shows how she thinks she more important than Jack and she is trying to find faults. When she starts asking about his housing she asks where and what number Jack lives at and when he replies 149 she shakes her head, saying The unfashionable side. I thought there was something. This shows that she has been trying to find faults, maybe because she does not think he born in to a high enough class to be allowed to marry Gwendolen. When she does find a major fault she sounds disgusted as her sentences have become just a word or two long. Found, A handbag?. As Jack has some faults Lady Bracknell basically says no, you cant marry Gwendolen because she doesnt think that he has enough respect to become her son-in-law as he might end up with people not having as much respect for Lady Bracknell. Although when Lady Bracknell finds out about Cecily Cardew, his ward, she instantly has respect for her, because while she was questioning Jack about her she asked whether Miss Cardew has any little fortune but when she finds out that Cecily has about a hundred and thirty thousand pounds in the Funds, Lady Bracknell sounds shocked that a young girl is to be in possession of that amount of money, she then almost turns back on all she had previously said by going Miss Cardew seems to me a most attractive young lady, now that I look at her. Although near the end of the play you discover that before Lady Bracknell married Lord Bracknell she had no fortune of any kind, when you read this you discover that Lady Bracknell would have had no respect and throughout the play she has been hypocritical towards the other characters. This also shows Lady Bracknells views on marriage as she is very reluctant to let Gwendolen marry Jack, as she doesnt think he is respected enough nor has enough money to be part of her family. So basically Lady Bracknells views on marriage are that the parents must choose the husband of their daughter, and make sure that he is respectable, has a good fortune, well known family background and many homes in expensive areas. Although it turns out that Lady Bracknell would have previously hoped that the families she hoped to marry into wouldnt mind the fact that she was poor and had no respect. It also shows that since she has married Lord Bracknell she has been influenced to think the opposite to what she would have done previously. Algernons views on marriage arent very good at the beginning of the play as he thinks that a man that marries without knowing Bunbury has a very tedious time of it, and that in married life three is company and two is none. So basically Algernons imaginary invalid friend Bunbury has been made up so if he ever does marry he can escape his wife and family and see other women as he would tell his wife that Bunbury is under the weather, therefore the three is company and two is none is just simply saying that you can get easily bored with having just woman in his life, but having two is different and you can alternate between two women. Also at the beginning of the play Algernon asks his servant Lane why it is that at a bachelors establishment the servants invariably drink the champagne, Lane replies by saying that the quality is better in a bachelors house than in married households as in married households, there are other things the man has to spend his money on like wife and children , so the quality of champagne isnt as expensive or of a first-rate brand. After that Algernon thinks that married life is an unpleasant experience as he has to spend more money, and the champagne isnt as high quality. Later on in the play, towards the end Algernon stands up to his Aunt Augusta (Lady Bracknell) by saying that he doesnt care a twopence about social possibilities, so Algernon is saying that he doesnt mind if he looses respect by marrying Cecily because he loves her. He has also killed off Bunbury by this point, I think maybe because he has never been in love properly before, and he always thought that marriage was a bad thing, but his family would expect him to get married, therefore he created Bunbury so he could still leave a bachelor style life on the side. But by killing Bunbury its made you feel that Algernon is serious about marriage and wants to be with one woman, Cecily. I also feel that near the end of the play when it is discovered that Jack is really Algernons older brother, he has become a bit jokey with Jack as he calls him old boy, but I think that Algernon feels that he is in a higher class than Jack still, even though they are brothers as he then calls him my dear boy, so Algernon isnt treating Jack with much respect there. I feel that Algernon likes to be respected, but doesnt like to respect other people. Gwendolen is mainly respected because she is part of the Bracknell family, who seem to be rich with a large house, and her mother wants the best for her. She is also old fashioned when it comes to a marriage proposal, as Jack says we must get married at once and although Gwendolen has practically said yes she insists that Jack proposes properly by getting down on one knee and asking Gwendolen, will you marry me? Of course Gwendolen says yes. We learn that when Gwendolen was a little girl she had dreams of marrying someone called Ernest, and thinks that the only safe name is Ernest. She also mentions that the first time she heard that Algernon, her cousin, had a friend named Ernest, she knew she was destined to love him. Although Gwendolen isnt the most intelligent woman as she really doesnt care about money, appearance or lifestyle, as long as the man she is with is called Ernest. Cecily is very similar to Gwendolen as she also had a childhood dream of marrying a man named Ernest. She also doesnt care about how much money or power the man has as long as Ernest is his name. When she found out that Jack had a brother named Ernest she was excited and interested about meeting him, and had already decided that they were engaged. Cecily has also planned out what Ernest (Algernon) has given her, this is the little bangle with the true lovers knot I promised you always to wear, this is the box in which I keep all your dear letters. Cecily have sent herself gifts and letters pretending that she herself is Ernest and has kept them all, when Ernest sees all these treasures he seems quite shocked but doesnt want to hurt Cecily, because his main intention is to marry her.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Homeostatic Maintenance in the Human Body

Homeostatic Maintenance in the Human Body The structure and function of different systems Constancy of the internal environment and the relative stability of physico-chemical parameters in children are provided with the expressed prevalence of anabolic over catabolic processes of exchange. This is a prerequisite for growth and sets the childs body from the body of adults who intensity of metabolic processes in a state of dynamic equilibrium. In connection with this neuroendocrine regulation of homeostasis childs body is more intense than in adults. Each age period is characterized by specific features of homeostasis mechanisms and their regulation. (Marieb et al. 2007) Therefore, in children more often than adults, there are severe disturbances of homeostasis, often life-threatening. These disorders are often associated with immaturity of homeostatic functions of the kidneys, with disorders of the gastrointestinal tract or respiratory function of the lungs. (Bhagavan, 2002) The absolute increase in extracellular fluid volume lags behind the rise of the total weight, so the relative amount of the internal environment, expressed as a percentage of body weight, decreases with age. This dependence is particularly pronounced in the first year after birth. In older children, the relative rate of change of extracellular fluid volume decrease. The regulation system constant volume of fluid provides compensation for variations in the water balance in a fairly narrow range. The high degree of hydration of tissue in infants and young children determines significantly higher than in adults, the childs need water (per unit of body weight). Water loss or limit quickly leads to the development of dehydration due to the extracellular sector, i.e. internal environment. With kidneys the main executive body in the system volyumoregulyatsii do not provide water savings. (Marder and Bucher, 2001) Negative and positive feedback mechanisms in homeostasis The limiting factor is the regulation of renal tubular immaturity. The most important feature of the neuroendocrine control of homeostasis in infants and young children is relatively high secretion and renal excretion of aldosterone, which has a direct effect on the hydration of tissues and function of the renal tubules. Regulation of the osmotic pressure of blood plasma and extracellular fluid in children is limited. The osmolarity of the internal medium varies over a wide range ( ± 50 mOsm / l) than in adults ( ± 6 mOsm / l). This is due to the larger quantity of body surface per 1 kg of weight and, therefore, with more significant losses of water during respiration, as well as the immaturity of the renal mechanisms of urine concentration in children. Impaired homeostasis manifested giperosmosom especially common in neonates and children first months life in older age begins to dominate gipoosmos associated mainly with gastrointestinal disease or kidney disease. Less studied ion regulation of homeostasis, which is closely connected with the activity of the kidneys and the nature of power. Previously it was thought that the main factor determining the magnitude of the osmotic pressure of the extracellular fluid sodium concentration is, however, more recent studies have shown that a strong correlation between the content of sodium in the blood plasma and the magnitude total osmotic pressure in the pathology exists. (Leon and Russell, 2004) An exception is plasma hypertension. Consequently, holding homeostatic therapy by introducing glucose level solutions requires not only control over the content of sodium in serum or plasma, but also changes the total osmolarity of the extracellular fluid. Of great importance in the maintenance of the total osmotic pressure in the internal environment is the concentration of sugar and urea. (Bucher et al. 2003) Exchange of gases The contents of these osmotically active substances and their effect on the water-salt metabolism in many pathological conditions may rise sharply. Therefore, for any violations of homeostasis is necessary to determine the concentration of sugar and urea. By virtue of the foregoing, in young children in violation of water-salt and protein modes can develop latent state of hyper or gipoosmosa, hyperasotemia. (Postolache, 2005) Important indicator of homeostasis in children is the concentration of hydrogen ions in the blood and extracellular fluid. In the antenatal and early postnatal periods, regulation of acid-base balance is closely related to the degree of blood oxygen saturation, which is explained by the relative predominance of anaerobic glycolysis in bioenergetic processes. However, even moderate hypoxia in the fetus is accompanied by accumulation in its tissues of lactic acid. Furthermore, immaturity atsidogeneticheskoy renal function creates the preconditions for the development of physiological acidosis (shift of acid-base balance in the body in the direction of the relative increase in the amount of acid anions. (McEwen, 2003) Due to the nature of homeostasis in newborn disorders often arise, standing on the brink between physiological and pathological. Restructuring of the neuroendocrine system during adolescence (puberty) is also associated with changes in homeostasis. However, the functions of the executive organs (kidneys, lungs) reach in this age of maximum ripeness so severe disease syndromes or homeostasis are rare, but more often it is a compensated shifts in metabolism that can be found only with the biochemical study of blood. (Moal, 2007) The clinic for homeostasis parameters in children is necessary to investigate the following parameters: hematocrit, total osmotic pressure, the content of sodium, potassium, glucose, bicarbonate, and urea in the blood, and blood pH, p02 and pCO2. (Bucher et al. 2003) Oxygen transportation in the human body One and the same level of homeostatic variables at different ages is supported by various shifts in their regulatory systems. For example, the persistence of blood pressure at a young age is supported by a higher cardiac output and low total peripheral vascular resistance, and in elderly and senile due to higher total peripheral resistance and reduce the amount of cardiac output. Constancy during aging the most important physiological functions is supported in terms of reliability and reduces the reduction of the possible range of physiological changes homeostasis. (Goldstein, 2007) Retention of homeostasis in essential structural, functional and metabolic changes achieved by the fact that at the same time is not only fading, disturbance and degradation, but also the development of specific adaptive mechanisms. Essential in maintaining homeostasis in the process of aging are changing mechanisms of neurohumoral regulation, increasing tissue sensitivity to the action of hormones and neurotransmitters on the background weakening of nervous influence. (Bà ¼schges et al. 2004) During aging varies considerably heart function, pulmonary ventilation, gas exchange, renal function, secretion of digestive glands, the function of the endocrine glands, metabolism, etc. These changes can be characterized as gomeorezis regular trajectory (dynamic) changes in the metabolic rate and physiological functions of age in time. Progress value age-related changes are very important to characterize the process of human aging, to determine its biological age. (Goldstein, 2007) In elderly and senile age reduces overall potential adaptive mechanisms. Such a decrease in reliability mechanisms of homeostasis is one of the most important prerequisites for the development of pathological disorders in old age. Thus, homeostasis is an integral concept of functionally and morphologically combines cardiovascular system, respiratory system, renal system, water and electrolyte metabolism, acid-base balance. The amount of blood ejected by the heart in 1 min., Is the minute volume. However, the function of the cardiovascular system is not simply to maintain a given cardiac output and its distribution in the basin and changes in cardiac output in accordance with the dynamic needs of tissues in different situations. (Wyatt et al. 1999) Nutrient transportation in the human body Many surgical patients experience a sharp fall in cardiac output, which disrupts the delivery of oxygen to the tissues and can cause cell death, the body and even the whole body. Therefore, the assessment of the cardiovascular system should be taken into account only to the minute volume, but also the oxygen supply and the need for it. The normal function of the respiratory system is to maintain a constant level of oxygen and carbon dioxide in arterial blood in normal vascular resistance in the pulmonary circulation and normal energy expenditure on work of breathing. (Prinz et al. 2004) This system is closely linked with other systems, and especially cardiovascular. Function of the respiratory system includes ventilation, pulmonary circulation, and diffusion of gases through the alveolar-capillary membrane, transport of gases in blood and tissue respiration. Functions of the renal system: kidneys are the main organ, designed to preserve the constancy of physico-chemical conditions in the body. It includes: the regulation of water and electrolyte balance, maintain acid-base balance and removal from the body of metabolic products of protein and fat. (Parris, 2006) In the literature, it was noted that the development of ideas about the physiological mechanisms of regulation of movements over a long period of time determined by the reflex theory reigned supreme organization of the control functions of the brain. In the framework of these concepts were viewed as chain reflexes in which one end of the motor act (or part thereof) serves as a signal to start the next act (part). Anatomical structure of the body systems By analogy with the laws identified in experiments with conditional reflex conditioned behavior, it is believed that repeated re-execution of certain movements of the structure leads to the development of the stereotype a steady sequence of activation of the nerve centers that control muscle contractions, and to run the entire chain of sufficient initial start signal. (Bucher et al. 2005) The term motor stereotype explains well learned solidly conservative movements, their stability over time, but it is quite unsuitable to adequately reflect the variability of their characteristics, plasticity and adaptability to the changing conditions of execution. This led to the appearance in the domestic literature inherently contradictory term motor dynamic stereotype in which the definition of dynamic used as a synonym for changeable. (Pulver et al. 2005) In general, the above shall not affect the presentation of specific physiological mechanisms of regulation and the introduction of motion parameters proposed in this paper the concept of homeostasis motor functions can fill a number of gaps in the theory of conditioned reflex control motility. (Parris, 2006) Task 2 It is generally accepted that a significant contribution to the presentation of the principles and mechanisms of control of movements made à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹works NA Bernstein (1935, 1947, 1961, 1966). It is no exaggeration to say that it is ideas NA Bernstein last thirty years, determined the development of the theory of kinesiology. Considering the regulation of voluntary movements of man as the task of managing a complex kinematic system first opened N.A. Bernshteyn being coordinated activity as a process of overcoming the excessive number of degrees of freedom in the joints, musculoskeletal system conversion to a managed system. (Marder and Bucher, 2005) Based on the properties of a multilink system control object for the nervous system, NA Bernstein formulated the requirements for it as a system of control movements. Here it is appropriate to allocate only made à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹it into the physiology of movements crucial concepts and ideas, such as the purpose, activity, search, hierarchical, closed loop control and sensory feedback. Wide popularity of these concepts makes unnecessary disclosure of their contents. We note only that the greatest attention by students and followers NA Bernstein paid to the development of his ideas correctional governance at the expense of equally important concepts of programming movements. From our point of view, the concept of homeostasis motor functions not only contradicts the notion NA Bernstein, but significantly develops the least known part of his theory, as it is a programming activity of the brain is the basis of homeostasis of voluntary movements. (Parris, 2006) Based on the concepts of circular regulating movements in individual parameters (power, spatial, temporal) Gelfand and Tsetlin (1966) hypothesis was formulated neindividua-lysed control in complex systems, according to which the system of coordination of movements seen as having a set of relatively independent subsystems. The activities of each subsystem is constructed so that a minimum number of information coming from the external environment and from other subsystems (implement the principle of least interaction on which are the relations between the different levels of government). This hypothesis provided the impetus for the emergence of ideas about synergies maintain upright posture, breathing and other synergies. (Marder et al. 2005) In the study of the control functions of the brain NP Behterevoj (1966, 1967, 1971, 1974, 1980) formulated the concept of rigid and flexible links provide brain activity and minimize brain systems software. Hard links are characterized by stable and consistent reproduction. (Moal, 2007) Apparently, the idea of à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹synergies, minimize the interaction between the levels of control of movements, rigid and flexible links functioning of brain structures are quite compatible with the concept of homeostasis of motor functions. Moreover, from our point of view, this is precisely the concept of getting a consistent explanation of many difficult questions for these theories. For example, from the concept of synergy can not deduce explanations organization control actions on motor neurons of the spinal cord segments that innervate the muscles together in synergy, and draw conclusions about the role of proprioceptive afferent in this process. (Parris, 2006) Studied model organized behavior of basic elements involved in the implementation of the motor act at the spinal level, allowed to come to the conclusion that in the process of change in muscle length and it stresses arising in numerous structures proprioceptive ties ring mechanism of homeostatic regulation are management activity of motoneurons that distributes action afferent signals so that changes in the activity of motoneurons pool contributed to the reduction of increased under the influence of external disturbances of the afferent input to the central unchanging background influences. (Bucher et al. 2006) Multiparametric autogenous regulation activity of motoneurons further enhances gomeostatiruyuschy effect because the individual ring structures take on other functions if you disable one of them, and under the joint action contribute to early achievement of motoneurons device pool to the external load in accordance with the chosen target regulation. (Moal, 2007) Maintain homeostasis of motor function at the spinal level serves more bright manifestation, if we consider the influence of muscle afferents in the group II spindle broad convergence of different muscles which one motoneuron and divergence on different muscles of one limb shown recently (Schomburg, Steffens, 1985). Consequently, the system static and dynamic y-motoneurons should be considered in terms of the organization of a coordinated contraction of various muscle groups during the execution of the movement. We believe that both motor neurons and interneurons segmental level are included as elements in the regulation of other rings like lockable on the spin-regional level and formed with the participation of suprasegmental structures. Each of these rings in the stationary state stabilizes the circulating flow in which the pulse modulation and the activity level of circulating streams in the associated rings of regulation. (Bucher et al. 2007) As shown, the actual regulatory ring at the segmental level does not provide for external perturbations on locomotion maintain the desired length and muscle tension. Adhering to the principle of hierarchical organization of the brain, the authors of numerous works in the center of consideration put notions of local neural circuits (but not rings) modules in which groups of nerve cells combined vertical links in a separate mini-speakers representing certain prize-Naki external signals (or images), the totality of which is incorporated in the tangential connections macro-column. (Moal, 2007) Some of the properties presented in the column of the macro signal are analyzed in parallel, and the same modules may be included in different brain distributed system. In different model representations of numerous connections between brain structural formations are not considered as rings regulation, the more capable homeostated circulating pulse flows in them. Communication process is still limited to considering only the direct connections from one block to another descending or ascending, afferent or efferent pathway. In a tough (if not to affect the development processes of the body and learning) neural structure interacting rings are continuous processes of self-education and functional decay under coming to elements of the structure of signals (pulse flows), which provides the necessary structure search traffic, leading to the implementation of a specific motor act , to achieve the objective reality. (McEwen, 2003) Multiple (leading to the formation of programs) to perform movements to perpetuate relations of interacting homeostatic regulation of the rings and their possible reuse as develop skills through the implementation of this movement long periods of time to solve the same problem. (Marder, 2007) Despite our attempts to identify the hard muscle synergy relations at runtime programmatically implemented driven to automatism movements, what is considered locomotion , we came to the conclusion that the individualized management of each of the muscle contraction, the relationship between the anatomical agonist activity vary from synergistic to antagonistic over the implementation of elementary driving cycles. (Postolache, 2005) We can assume that in the process of becoming the first sensorimotor skills are formed fairly stable ring structures that combine elements of sensory and motor distributed networks. Such association operating in the regulatory elements of the ring can make the structural basis of the program regulation of movements, providing homeostasis of them, keeping for each individual its characteristic handwriting. The interaction between the control circuits of the ring very rapidly and covers a range of transitions from completely blocking circulation pulsed flux in the ring to ignore modulating influences on impulses in the ring, if it is stabilized at large intensities. (Leon and Russell, 2004) References

Friday, September 20, 2019

Organizational Structure And The Relationship To The Mission

Organizational Structure And The Relationship To The Mission Nowadays, with the increase of living quality, more high standard health organizations or facilities are required to meet the population demand of health care. According to the change of the plan of New South Wales Health, the Childrens hospital at Westmead (CHW) determines future developmental direction and formulates its own strategies, vision and mission (The Childrens Hospital at Westmead 2007). In a word, the CHW sticks to respect both children and their families in spite of the change of hospital strategies, mission and vision (The Childrens Hospital at Westmead 2008). Actually, the organizational structure of hospital has relevant relationship that can not be neglected and obliterated with mission and vision. Thus, it is considered that the establishment of hospital structure can help to complete the mission and vision that are designed by organization (University of Western Sydney 2009); meanwhile, mission and vision can impact the hospital structure that is set up (Madden et al. 2006). The purpose of this article is to critically analyse the structure, mission, vision and goals of the CWH, and analyse interaction between organizational structure and mission or vision. Initially, according to the Childrens Hospital at Westmead (2008), the CHW adopts line structure to administer the whole operation of hospital. The mission, vision and goals impacts organizational structure of CHW designed; meanwhile, the aim of the structure is to complete the mission, vision and goals (University of Western Sydney 2010). For instance, workforce development which is involved in organizational structure is designed to offer high skill practitioners of tertiary and quaternary care (CHW annual report 2008), so that it can meet the demand of mission to complete the promise of hospital. The relationship between clinical operations and department of nursing shows the influence of mission statement which mentions to set up good consociation. In addition, it can be seen from the organizational chart (The Childrens Hospital at Westmead 2008) that there are many departments found for economics, treatment, health care and training and education. All of them established a susta inable foundation for the achievement of hospital vision, which shows that healthy children for healthy future (The Childrens Hospital at Westmead 2008). At last, the CHW goals direct the development of finance, emergency, health care and other services; it also requires the high quality of staffs. Secondly, line structure has both negative and positive impacts on the development of hospital. Admittedly, the line structure of CHW is clear and simple. It shows the clear relationship between each department. Moreover, the organizational chart shows distinct superior-subordinate relationship. For example, according to the organizational chart, clinical operation directly administers allied health, diagnostics, medical, critical care and emergency services; at the same time, clinical operation hands in summary of annual work and feedback from lower levels to the highest level named chief executive(The Childrens Health at Westmead 2008). Another advantage of CHW structure is that not only one authority to judge all things. It is shown by the Childrens Hospital at Westmead (2008) that internal audit has right to supervise the action of chief executive. Even so, there are also some disadvantages of this line structure. Less communication of parallel departments which may decrease the quality of health service is demonstrated obviously. For instance, it is hypothesised that one child is sent immediately into critical care because of emergency situation, but he has renal disease that has not been checked out. If there is no contact with medical and critical care, this child would have life risk. What is worse, sometimes, highest authority can not receive the feedback immediately or receive untruthful information due to the incautiously negligence or deliberately concealing of middle or lower departments (Marquis Huston 2009). Therefore, the problems of line structure will result in medical issues and descend the health care level of children. Thirdly, according to the CHW goals (The Childrens Hospital at Westmead 2008), one main line of authority and responsibility is combined by finance and corporate services, community relations and marketing and information services and planning. It is believed that excellent staffs are an important foundation of the high quality health care. It is considered that appropriate incentives can retain the health professionals in different environment, especially in rural and remote areas (Dassault and Franceschini 2006). In addition, high standard of meals and accommodation promote the health care condition. Internet service can help families to solve problems at home; as well as, it can help to book the services, which saves time if it is not emergency problem but some small health issue. Furthermore, fundraising from companies or individuals creates equal chance for every child to accept treatment. It is shown by The Childrens Hospital at Westmead (2008), clinical operation and its subor dinate departments combined into another main line push hospital to realize the goals. For example, hospital strengthens the infrastructures (such as advanced equipments) of emergency services, so that patients can accept efficient cure in time. The increase of whole level of clinical services improves the clinical safety and helps to practice good quality health care. Moreover, some parts of the CHW structure can help to achieve the hospital mission to a certain extent. For example, Allied health in the structure provides the service to meet the requirement of chronic and complex care which is mentioned in hospital mission (The Childrens Hospital at Westmead 2008). There is a relationship between clinical operation and nursing. Nurses and clinical staffs keep in touch and share working experience with each other to establish good partnership described in mission (The Childrens Hospital at Westmead 2008). Nurses also can express the requirement or complain of patients to clinical practitioners, so that hospital could ensure the profits of children. Whats more, training and education bring up professionals to keep the high quality services. Admittedly, the organizational structure helps to reach the goals. For instance, internet service provides a link to save time of patients or their families to book services. Allied health service offer various h ealth services to detective health issues in the early stage of children. Finally, some aspects of the CHW structure could assist the development of hospital and solve some problems. It has been mentioned that there is an internal audit existing with chief executive, so it enhances hospitals monitoring, which may avoid the appearance of bureaucracy to a certain degree (Withey Gellatly 2007). The good cohesion and cooperation between different services can make sure the high quality health service and medical safety of patient. One exact situation is that nurses and clinical operations have built a good relationship, which could be useful to operate clinically and solve problems such as conflict between patients and doctors (The Childrens Hospital at Westmead 2008). However, some aspects of this structure also can have negative impacts on the development of hospital and the solution of problems. In spite of the relationship between nursing and clinical operations, it is not enough partnerships for the hospital to promote its health care quality. For exampl e, the lack of linkage between the department of workforce development and clinical operations is one important issue. It is stressed that the method of training workforce is changing with the change of clinical demand (Withey Gellatly 2007). As a result, the lacking communication between these two departments may lead to the waste of resources including human resources and material resources. Thus, to sum up, the line structure of the CHW is designed to reach the hospital mission, vision and goals; meanwhile, organizational structure is impacted by mission, vision and goals. Moreover, line structure has both merits and demerits in supply of health care services. In addition, there are two main lines of authority and responsibility which boost the completeness of hospital goals. Furthermore, some functions of hospital structure are useful for hospital to achieve its mission and goals. At last, the aspects of line structure both assist and descend the development of the CHW. Consequently, mission, vision and goals impact the establishment of organizational structure; and organizational structure can help to achieve them. It is recommended that the hospital should change the settled mode of line structure into the informal mode that is more flexible; and hospital might increase the chances of lateral communication as vertical communication (University of Western Sydney 2010) .

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Tamales: History, Regional Differences, and Family Cultural Interpreta

Tamales: History, Regional Differences, and Family Cultural Interpretations Introduction: Tradition has been said to mirror a way of life. Observation has concluded that participants in tradition â€Å"actively construct as well as reflect culture and community† (Sacks 275). For most people in the 21st century, tradition only reveals itself during special times or certain seasons. For others it is simply a way of life. The foodways of Mexicans and Native Americans are of particular interest in this study because of the food that grew from necessity and is maintained as sacred or reserved for only special occasions. The tamale is one such food. Significantly changed and altered throughout history it has remained a food of commonality and prestige at the same time. The tamale represents a nation that thrived as a people and has continued to live on through the traditions created hundreds of years ago by women who strive to better their community, their men, and the general way of life and welfare of their people. Native American people are the backdrop of southwestern history and as such we often look to them for answers regarding the past. The ‘past’ provides acts as vault filled with a wealth of information concerning a great number of cultural artifacts. My personal history with tamales is filled with thoughts and memories of family, fun, love, and laughter. I began making tamales with my mother, grandmother, and aunts at a very early age. In the beginning, I was not allowed to participate too deeply. As I grew older and began to appreciate the delicate balance of spreading, filling, wrapping, and steaming, my hands and my soul became sincerely imbedded in a tradition so deep it almost ove... ...s attachment to each other is created through the events that occur in the kitchen. Works Cited Bensinger, Ken. â€Å"Hot Tamales vs. â€Å"Happy Meals.† Art News: Art in America. 101:10 (2002): 56. Girardin, Carmen. Personal Interview. 11 July, 2007. Gutierrez, Nieta. Personal Interview. 11 July, 2007. Lasater, Nicole. Personal Interview. 11 July, 2007. Martinez, Melanie. â€Å"The Molino.† Fourth Genre: Explorations in Non-Fiction. 7.1 (2005): 1-8. Sacks, Maurie. â€Å"Computing Community at Purim.† The Journal of American Folklore. 102.405 (1989): 275-291. Sanchez, MaryEllen. Personal Interview. 11 July, 2007. Soto, Gary. Too Many Tamales. New York: Putnam and Grosset, 1996. Tapp, Alice Guadalupe. Tamales 101: A Beginners Guide to Making Traditional Tamales. California, Ten Speed, 2002.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Catcher In The Rye Essay -- essays research papers

Innocence, Compassion, and some ‘Crazy’ Cliff A novel, which has gained literary recognition worldwide, scrutiny to the point of censorship and has established a following among adolescents, The Catcher in the Rye is in its entirety a unique connotation of the preservation of innocence and the pursuit of compassion. With certain elegance the writer J.D. Salinger, substantiates the growth and perils, which lie between childhood and adulthood. Embellishing the differentiation between innocence and squalor in the grasps of society. The bridge that lies between these contrasting themes are personified through the novel’s protagonist, Holden Caul-field and his visualization of a cliff, which depicts a dividing point between the evident beginning and end. The connection, which binds this gap in reality, was made clear through a new found compassion, consummating Holden’s place in society through the realization of his surroundings from which he successfully cross es over. Focusing on the rebellious and confused actuality of adolescents stuck between the innocence of childhood and the corruptness of the adult world, this novel strikes a cord, which most adolescents can relate. The essence of the story The Catcher in the Rye follows the forty-eight hour escapade of sixteen-year-old Holden Caulfield, told through first person narration. After his expulsion from Pency, a fashionable prep school, the lat-est in a long line of expulsions, Holden has a few confrontations with his fellow students and leaves shortly after to return to his hometown, New York City. In the heart of New York City, Holden spends the following two days hiding out to rest before confronting his parents with the news. During his adventures in the city he tries to renew some old acquaintances, find his significance in the adult world, and come to grips with the head-aches he has been having lately. Eventually, Holden sneaks home to visit his sister Phoebe, because alone on th e streets he feels as if he has no where else to turn. Children are the only people with whom Holden can communicate with throughout the novel, not because they can help him with his growing pains but because they remind him of a simpler time (his inno-cence), which he wishes he could return. The trials of the adult world wear down Holden’s vision of a place in society, portraying innocence as a form of retreat from a confusin... ..., Salin-ger began publishing again and featured his stories in the Saturday Evening Post and Collier’s. By 1951, Salinger has established his reputation exclusively in The New Yorker and the popularity of his work was emerging among college students. And so, he re-leased The Catcher in the Rye, after working on and off on it for ten years. Although it was not an immediate hit it did give Salinger an increasing critical praise and respect. Eventually, as critical acclaim grew, the letters, autograph seekers, and interview-ers began hunting him down and so he became annoyed and moved to Cornish, New Hampshire, where he has lived ever since. While secluding himself from the rest of the world Salinger began work on Nine Stories, which includes a number of published short stories and introduces the Glass family, the central figures of his later works. Nine Sto-ries was published in 1953, after which Salinger published four lengthy short stories about the problems of the extreme ly bright and overly sensitive children of the Glass family. The books in this short story collection include Franny and Zooey (1961), and Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters and Seymour: An Introduction (1963).

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Engineering management Essay

1. Department/Program Mission The mission of the Engineering Management and Systems Engineering Department is to Equip individuals with engineering, management and systems expertise to prepare them to be leaders in the identification and solution of technical and organizational problems that are complex and evolving Conduct innovative and pioneering research that continues to expand the body of knowledge in Engineering Management and systems engineering while maintaining engineering discipline diversity. Expand the boundaries of Engineering Management and systems engineering through our service to the professional community at large and through relationships with industry. 2. Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) a. Campus-Wide Student Learning Outcomes: Programs must demonstrate that their graduates have: I. an ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing. II. an ability to think critically and analyze effectively. III. an ability to apply disciplinary knowledge and skills in solving critical problems. ability to function in diverse learning and working environments. V. an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility. VI. an awareness of national and global contemporary issues. VII. a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in, life-long learning. b. Engineering Management Program Outcomes developed to address ABET outcomes a – k and campus wide outcomes (a) Engineering Management graduates will have an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering in the solution of Engineering Management problems. (b) Engineering Management graduates will have an ability to design and conduct experiments related to operations, marketing, management and finance, as well as to analyze and interpret data. (c) Engineering Management graduates will have an ability to carry out the design of an operational system and its various components and processes for Engineering Management applications. (d) Engineering Management graduates will understand the importance of teams, know how to develop effective teams and have an ability to function on teams. (e) Engineering Management graduates will have an ability to identify, formulate, and solve Engineering Management problems. (f) Engineering Management graduates will have an understanding of professional ethical responsibility. (g) Engineering Management graduates will have an ability to communicate effectively individually and in teams. (h) Engineering Management graduates will have the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering and enterprise solutions in a global and societal context. (i) Engineering Management graduates will recognize the need for and have an ability to engage in life-long learning. (j) Engineering Management graduates will have knowledge of contemporary issues related to Engineering Management. (k) Engineering Management graduates will have an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice. 3. Curriculum Mapping to Campus and/or Program Outcomes Performance Criterion Evaluated in Course(s) Maps to Campus Learning Outcomes a Engineering Management graduates will have an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering in the solution of engineering management problems. a. 1. Creates and analyzes quantitative charts and graphs and incorporates information into managerial decision-making systems. 266/299 3 a. 2 Identifies and uses appropriate modeling tools in the solution of quantitative problems. 251/253 3 a. 3 Applies quantitative models to specific problem categories and classifications. 253 3 a. 4 Uses a firm’s accounting system in making management decisions. 147 3 a. 5 Uses financial ratio analysis, financial forecasting, valuation of assets, time value of money, capital budgeting and cost of capital concepts to solve engineering management problems. 147 3 b Engineering Management graduates will have an ability to design and conduct experiments related to operations, marketing, management and finance, as well as to analyze and interpret data. b. 1 Designs an operation system and analyzes and interprets data relative to the designed system. 253 2 b. 2 Analyzes operational and financial data of organizations in case studies and organizational profiles. 251/260 2 b. 3 Conducts research related to publicly traded firms and applies financial tools to evaluate the firm as a possible investment choice. 147 2 c. Engineering Management graduates will have an ability to carry out the design of an operational system and its various components and processes for engineering management applications. c. 1 Identifies operational problem and design solutions to the problem using the appropriate quantitative and qualitative models and methods. 253/266 2 c. 2 Designs and critiques a marketing plan with typical components, while recognizing intra-firm involvements and implications. 251 2 d Engineering Management graduates will understand the importance of teams, know how to develop effective teams and have an ability to function on teams. d. 1 Functions as team player by fulfilling appropriate duties, sharing workload, communicating well and taking initiative. 251/254/260 4 d. 2 Conducts effective and efficient meetings. 254 4 e Engineering Management graduates will have an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering management problems. e. 1 Develops model for making management decisions. 251 3 e. 2 Identifies and analyzes engineering management problems related to case studies, current events, and real-life scenarios, and recommends solutions to problems. 251/260/266. 3 f Engineering Management graduates will have an understanding of professional ethical responsibility. f. 1 Demonstrates knowledge of engineering code of ethics or other relevant code and applies code to case studies. 134 5 f. 2 Identifies an ethical dilemma and suggests a general course of action. 134/251 5 f. 3 Recognizes far-reaching implications of ethical behavior with respect to all organizational stakeholders. 299 5 g Engineering Management graduates will have an ability to communicate effectively individually and in teams. g. 1. Effectively communicates in oral presentations. 254/299 1 g. 2 Demonstrates proficiency in communication through team presentations. 254/299 1 g. 3 Demonstrates command of the written and spoken word in required technical reports and presentations. 254 1 g. 4 Understands impact of how difference in communication styles can lead to barriers in communication. 134 1 h Engineering Management graduates will have the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering and enterprise solutions in a global and societal context. h. 1. Understands concept of Corporate Social Responsibility and can give examples to illustrate concept. 134/299 6 h. 2 Effectively analyzes case and determines the impact on all stakeholders. 260 6 h. 3 Comprehends pertinent issues in global marketing and the impact of these issues on marketing decisions. 134/251 6 I Engineering Management graduates will recognize the need for and have an ability to engage in life-long learning. i. 1 Recognizes benefits of continued learning through attendance at professional presentations and through reading professional publications. 134/251 7 i. 2. Identifies, reads about, analyzes and reports on â€Å"world view† issues that are opposed to own view. 253 7 j Engineering Management graduates will have knowledge of contemporary issues related to engineering management. j. 1 Demonstrates awareness of, knowledge of, and respect for contemporary issues in engineering management, business and economics. 134/251 6 j. 2 Understands the importance of engineering to the future of society. 253 6 k Engineering Management graduates will have an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice. k. 1. Utilizes electronic resources to acquire external data to solve engineering management problems. 134/251 2 k. 2 Understands and utilizes computerized accounting systems to solve engineering management problems. 147 2 k. 3 Uses Excel financial functions to solve time value of money problems. 137/147 2 k. 4 Uses Excel in the solution of operational problems. 253 2 4. Methods/Instruments and Administration Data assessment methods vary by instructor and course. However methods employed include the following: -Student response to exam questions -Student response to specific homework assignment. -Student team evaluations related to case studies and capstone senior design -Instructor assessment of case study assignments -Instructor assessment of assigned student paper -Instructor assessment of capstone senior design projects Data collection occurs during the spring (January – May) semester and last occurred during the Spring 2010 semester. If all outcomes pass according to the department agreed upon metric, no collection will occur during the fall semester. 5. Results and Changes Implemented or Planned a. All outcomes passed during the Spring 2010 assessment cycle. According to our department assessment plan as detailed during the last ABET accreditation cycle; the next assessment cycle will occur during the Spring 2011 semester. No data was collected for the Fall 2010 semester. b. Use of results No specific curriculum changes have been made due to quantified assessment results. However, curriculum change will be forthcoming as we have observed the performance of capstone senior design student members and project results. It should be noted that a more traditional capstone senior design course was added as a core/required course in the department. The department has â€Å"partnered† with several different companies in the development of problems/projects that sufficiently meet the culminating experience as required by ABET. c. Results Brought by the Changes Due to observations and overall performance of senior design capstone projects, a new course will be added to the current 26 hour core set of courses. The undergraduate curriculum committee, which is the committee that evaluates outcome and assessment data, has approved adding a course which will focus on generalized problem solving and critical thinking. We are currently evaluating potential course resources for this class. We anticipate gaining campus wide approval for the course effective for the Fall 2011 semester. It should also be noted that our Academy of Engineering Management has been very supportive of our efforts and has contributed constituent input in this process. One final note to be made to this report is that even though we will perform a full outcome evaluation during the Spring 2011 semester, concurrently we will be re-evaluating our outcomes/ performance criteria, and assessment methods.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Modern management

If Dollar General wished to raise the prices of an item that was previously priced lower than their competitor, there are a number of steps they should take to maintain control of the process. Perdue has eased the control of prices by building in some slack in the pricing system to allow for raised prices. The first step is precontrol, in this case determination of the appropriate price – i.e. controlling price changes so that they can raise the price of the product without losing too many sales. This requires analysis of the price elasticity of the item in order to determine how much they can raise the price. The second step is concurrent control – communication of the new price to the stores, which may include provision of new price tags, communication through company channels such as email or generated reports, etc. and monitoring by managers to make sure the price changes are implemented. The third step, of feedback control, is monitoring the price change in order to make sure that the price change did not produce more than the accepted loss of sales as determined in step one.   These steps will allow the stores to implement a higher price on a previously lower-priced product. ‘The CEO should consider the relatively low sales at higher square footage stores to be a symptom of a problem, not a problem in and of itself. Dollar General’s store layouts and inventory assignments are tightly controlled and optimized for maximum efficiency and sales. However, most of their stores are smaller stores, averaging 7,000 square feet or less. This puts the larger stores at a disadvantage because they are carrying a mix of products that may not be optimal for the store size. This means that the lower sales per square foot is a symptom of a non-optimal inventory mix and layout superimposed on a larger store, not a problem in and of itself. While it should be solved, it can be solved indirectly by analyzing the inventory and layout needs of the larger stores rather than directly tackling the lower sales. A discount retailer such as Dollar General should use all three types of control (precontrol, concurrent control and feedback control) when attempting to control shrink. Precontrol can include such measures as establishing shrink management practices, such as careful cash control and cash handling training for employees, stock handling procedures, and security, in order to prevent common anticipated problems. Concurrent control, such as monitoring of security systems and active employee observation, can prevent shrink from shoplifting and excess employee waste. Finally, feedback control in the form of incentives such as bonuses or prizes for stores with low shrink percentages can help to reinforce the precontrol and concurrent control measures taken. Control measures are most effective when all potential routes of control loss are considered and actions are taken at the appropriate level to deal with them. It would not be appropriate or effective for a manager or other controller to attempt to poor cash handling after each incident   – it is more effective to develop policies that mandate teaching employees proper cash handling beforehand. 1. Information quality is the degree to which information represents reality. Information timeliness is the extent to which the receipt of information allows decisions to be made in a timely manner in order to allow the business to benefit from its use. Nike is using the information gained from its information systems to determine its required inventory levels, which are dependent on the projecte d demand for the product. This means that information quality is important because less than quality information could mean that Nike focuses its manufacturing and distribution efforts in less than optimal areas. The initial implementation of the information system generated more than $100 million in incorrect orders due to lack of information quality. Information timeliness is also important to Nike. Because the information system is tied to the manufacturing and distribution system, the timeliness of the information provided directly impacts the organization’s ability to produce and distribute the appropriate inventory. If the information is not provided in a timely manner, the manufacturing and sales may appear to be reactive rather than proactive, and Nike may miss the top of their demand curve because information was provided too slowly or because the system generated orders too early. 2. The security issues for Nike’s sales forecasting and factory order system include automated threats such as worms, viruses etc, and internal sabotage by disgruntled employees and external breach by either hackers or industrial spies. Automated threats are a threat at any time when a system is connected to the Internet; while it is less common now than in the past, viruses may also be transmitted via infected media such as CD-Rom or removable solid-state media. Internal sabotage by disgruntled employees can also be a problem; in order to mitigate this, permissions and access to the system should be handled on a minimum required basis (each employee should be given only the permissions required to perform his or her job, and permissions should be actively managed as employees move from task to task). Outside breaches by hackers or industrial spies is a concern for Nike because they are a high-profile company in a highly competitive business, making them a tempting target for hackers to try to gather lucrative information from their information systems. 3. Currently Nike targets individual groups of consumers with games and information online that is targeted to their special interests, and provides an IM-based game for soccer fans. There are a number of other uses for the World Wide Web that could help Nike communicate with its customers. They could use online surveying techniques and online feedback forums to enhance their market strategies and improve their products and address customer complaints. They could also utilize the Web as a central platform for their marketing strategy, including running specially designed Web sites for high-profile new products, creating customer contests, games and trivia and building a Nike community around their sites. Nike also has opportunities to create product tie-ins based on the Web. Their IM soccer game is a prototype of a way in which games or custom-branded software can keep the Nike brand in front of their customers all the time. Streaming media allows for music and movie tie-ins delivered via the Web. Nike could also use the Web for internal purposes. For example, an employee recruiting web site could increase the number and quality of their job applicants, as well as provide a prescreening facility for the HR organization. Skillful use of the Web also portrays the image of a technologically savvy and forward-looking company, which is vital to its market viability. Modern management 1. Organizational resources are the prime variables that ultimately translate into the cumulative compilation of production output. It can be stated that production is the final result that is instrumented by several processes that make up the basic procedure of the production unit. The term ‘organizational resource’ can be enumerated as a compilation of different aspects that include variables like personnel, motivation, cost of raw materials, supply chain management, knowledge management, material processing and market forecast analysis. All these together ensure the success of the ultimate quality and quantity of the production along with the favorable pricing per unit for the produced output. Thus it could be mentioned that the relation between the organizational resources and the production is inseparable and vital for the health of the industry. For an industry to obtain favorable conditions in the market it is necessary to formulate a strategy that would enable the organization to keep every aspect of the units involved in a well passed manner. The purchase of material would ensure that the value is obtained out of the purchase while the supply chain would ensure that there is no wastage of materials and the materials are presented to the processing unit in proper time. The same principals are true with the processing units too. The efficiency level of the personnel involved along with their motivation level ensures the best possible production out of the initial possesses involved. Thus it could be stated that organizational resources and production relation is vital and inseparable for any organization and the ultimate success of an organization is ensured by this relation. (Lamb, 2004) 2. The aspects of managerial effectiveness and efficiency are interrelated and are highly potent if applied in a well formulated manner. Any industry survives on the potential of the strategy that is taken and implemented by the management of that industry. As a result the prime factor that should be instigated in the organizational operational activities is the proper and smooth transaction of managerial effectiveness and efficiency into an enhanced and even relationship. The relationship between managerial effectiveness and efficiency is vital for an organization because for any industry effective personnel at suitable position are a primal factor for success. A person might be very efficient at formulation and modeling strategy. But the same person might not be an effective administrator. That is way it becomes important to position the best person possible at position where the efficiency could be yielded at maximum. Thus relation between managerial effectiveness and efficiency becomes an object of prime concern for any organization. It can be stated that by the term managerial effectiveness it is understood as the positional utility of a personnel whereas by the term efficiency it is reflected that the potential of the positional utility is utilized in full.   To compile and relate these two important variables it is important to evaluate the human resource structure at its maximum to yield the utmost possible result. The success and failure of an organization largely depends on such a formulation and practical implementation of the human resource department at its highest extent. The managerial effectiveness and efficiency is the keystone of success and the competitive advantage of an organization is dependent on such important organizational factors or variables. (King, 2001) References: King, H; (2001); Management Principals Today; HBT & Brooks Ltd Lamb, Davis; (2004); Cult to Culture: The Development of Civilization on the Strategic Strata; National Book Trust. Modern Management Corporate Social Responsibility is the duty of the management of the company to ensure that the welfare of the society is brought about along with promoting the development and wellbeing of the company.   It is the duty of the manager to ensure that both the social interests and the organizational interests are maintained and developed (Cresto, 2006).   However, at the moment, the opinion regarding corporate involvement in social responsibilities is differing.   The arguments for and against social responsibility activities by the corporate could be considered.Positive outcomes for the business by performing social responsibility activities:-The good name and the reputation of the company would be promoted as they would perform their duty of maintaining and developing the interests of the society.  As the interests of the society are improved, the social system would improve and this could also be beneficial for the corporate.  The management of the corporate would be more interested in maintaining the interests of the society along with the organization.   Hence, the Human resources that would be a part of the corporate would be of high quality.As the organization would mutually benefit with the society, the ability of the company to grow and survive in that particular society would be higher.   Hence, the corporate could move into identifying and organizing certain long-term plans.   On a long-term basis, the chances of developing sustained profits would be higher if social interests are maintained.  The unemployment rates in the society and the job satisfaction in the company would improve due to the economic growth felt by the corporate presence.  If the consumers are a part of the society, the chances of developing and maintaining relationships with them would be higher.]Negative outcomes for the business by performing social responsibility activities:-  According to Friedman, the chances of the management to indulge in unethical prac tices are higher so as to make profits that would ensure performance of social responsibilities.They could be a conflict within the management or outside the management for maintaining the goals of the organization or the goals of the society.The corporate would be spending the money of the consumers on maintaining and developing the interests of the society.   This could raise the prices of the goods or services produced by the company.   Consumers may prefer to purchase a product or services from a company that does not have a social benefit policy than a company that does, as the price is more likely to be less.The stakeholders of the corporate and the potential investors may not want to invest in that particular company, as they fear that they would be losing their money on social beneficial activities. The company would be using fewer resources on production (as the financial resources are spending on social interests).   The production would decrease and the chances of h aving higher amounts of profit would be lowered.   The company’s ability to develop a stronger long-term plan would be less likely.A Multinational corporation (MNC’s) is a company that has its presence felt in more than one nation across the World or does business at the global level.   The term MNC’s was utilized in the 1970’s in the US.   MNC’s usually do not consider national barriers that would restrict business.   Recently, the foreign investment in the US has improved drastically, and the chances of it improving further in the future are realistically high.   The process of a company becoming a multinational occurs in stages.In the first stage, the company merely exports products to foreign nations.   In the second stage, the company develops sales units in the foreign nations.   In the third stage, the company would permit foreign-based companies to make and sell their products and services under the main company’s name.    In the fourth stage, manufacturing units are set up by the company in the foreign nation.   In the fifth step, the management of the company is multi-nationalized in such a way that a corporate decision in the parent company would be affected in the foreign nations.   In the last stage, the ownership of the company is multi-nationalized.Two companies that are US-based MNC’s include General Electric and IBM.   General Electric had sales of $ 129, 853 million in the year 2001 (Listed by Forbes Global).   The portion of foreign sales was about 33 % and the net profits were about $ 12, 735 million.   It has $ 437, 006 million as assets and it market value is about 406, 525 million $.   The enterprise value of the company is about 613, 268 million $.   IBM has sales of about $ 88, 396 million in the year, and its foreign sales is about 58 % of the total sales.   Its net profit of about $ 8, 093 million, and its total assets is about 88, 349 million $.   It h as a market value of about 167, 206 million dollars and the enterprise value is about 194, 097 million $ (Cresto, 2006).Two foreign investors MNC’s that have invested in the US include Daimler Chrysler AG (from Germany) which is an automobile company and ING Group (from Netherlands) which offers financial services.   Daimler Chrysler AG had a total revenue of 86, 071 million $ in the year 2001 in the US, and its total assets in the US was more than 82, 000 million $ in the US.   The ING Group had revenue of about 14, 997 million $ in the year 2001 in the US and its net income was about 442 million US $ (Cresto, 2006).References:Cresto, S. C. and Cresto, S. T. (2006). Chapter 3: Corporate Social Responsibility and Business Ethics, Modern Management, (10th ed), New Jersey: Upper Saddle River, pp. 50-76.Cresto, S. C. and Cresto, S. T. (2006). Chapter 2: Modern Management Challenges, Modern Management, (10th ed), New Jersey: Upper Saddle River, pp. 80-102.Cresto, S. C. and Cr esto, S. T. (2006). Chapter 2: Modern Management Challenges, Modern Management, (10th ed), New Jersey: Upper Saddle River, pp. 106-111.